Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Friday, 6 March 2015

Sudah di Rilis Ubuntu Phone dari Meizu MX4 di Acara #MWC2015

Seperti yang kita ketahuai diacara MWC (Mobile Wolrd Congress) di barcelona perusahan dari China ini ya itu Meizu telah bekerja sama dengan ubuntu untuk membuat smartphone yang berbasis sistem operasi Linux Ubuntu dan di acar MWC inilah untuk pertama kali nya Meizu merilis Smartphone ubuntu dengan spesifikasi yang cukup mempuni, dengan menggunakan bentangan layar 5.36 inche Full HD, di bagian dapur pacu nya di benam kan processor Octa Core dari mediatek, dengan Ram 2 GB dan menggunakan Camera 20,7 MP dilhat dari review di Youtube samrtphone dari ubuntu ini sangat menarik, UI nya juga sangat bagus semoga smartphone ini masuk ke indonesia  dan untuk harga seperti yang saya tulis sebelum nya cek di sini
bisa di lihat gambar-gambar dari smartphone ubuntu ini di sini

kalau ingin melihat video nya di sini

Monday, 2 March 2015

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Meizu MX4 menggunakan OS Ubuntu akan dijual seharga Rp5,8 Juta

Meizu MX4 dengan OS Ubuntu Dibanderol Rp5,8 Juta

BEIJING - Produsen smartphone asal China, Meizu, berencana meluncurkan ponsel pintar pertama mereka yang berjalan di atas sistem operasi Ubuntu di Mobile World Congress Maret 2015.
Dilansir laman LIliputing, Sabtu (28/2/2015), Meizu akan menjadi perusahaan kedua yang menghasilkan smartphone dengan OS Ubuntu. Sebelumnya, produsen ponsel benarnama BQ juga telah meluncurkan sei handset berbasis Ubuntu miliknya, bernama Aquaris E4.5.

Berbeda dengan seri MX4 yang berjalan di atas sistem operasi Android KitKat, MX 4 Ubuntu hadir dengan basis sistem operasi berjalan di sistem Linux Canonical. Seri MX4 sendiri akan diplot untuk menjadi seri ponsel pintar unggulan milik Meizu dan dibanderol dengan harga USD449 atau sekira Rp5,8 juta.
Untuk spesifikasinya Meizu MX4 akan hadir dengan bentang layar 5.36 inch layar full HD, prosesor octa-core MediaTek MT6595, dan RAM 2GB RAM, dan kamera 20.7MP. Meizu MX4 direncanakan akan resmi diluncurkan dalam ajang MWC 2015, Maret 2015.

Via okezone

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

jadwal Rilis Linux backbox versi 4.2

Linux backbox akan merilis versi berikut nya ya itu versi 4.2 untuk bulan april berikut ini tanggal rilisnya 

2015 - AprilBackBox Linux 4.2
2015 - JanuaryBackBox Linux 4.1
2014 - OctoberBackBox Linux 4.0
2014 - JanuaryBackBox Linux 3.13
2013 - SeptemberBackBox Linux 3.09
2013 - MayBackBox Linux 3.05
2013 - JanuaryBackBox Linux 3.01
2012 - OctoberBackBox Linux 3.00
2012 - MayBackBox Linux 2.05
2012 - JanuaryBackBox Linux 2.01
2011 - SeptemberBackBox Linux 2.00
2011 - MayBackBox Linux 1.05
2011 - JanuaryBackBox Linux 1.00
2010 - SeptemberBackBox Linux 1.00 RC

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Cara install Graphical User Interface (GUI) Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal/Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric/Ubuntu 11.04/10.04 Server Edition

Ubuntu server edition

kadang kala kita sangat jenuh melihat server ubuntu kita warna  hitam begitu,nah dari pada warna nya hitam seperti itu lebih baik kita install GUI di linux ubuntu Server kita
ikuti cara nya

#Sudo apt-get update

#sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Ini untuk  XFCE-Xubuntu Server GUI

#sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

ini untuk KDE-Kubuntu Server GUI

#sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

Via Google 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Ubuntu Phone resmi di jual dengan harga €169

Akhir nya selama  ini kita tunggu-tunggu tentang Ubuntu  Phone, sekarang sudah ada titik terang nya .. saya kutip dari Omg ubuntu, ternyata ubuntu phone sudah di jual di beberapa situs Online di luar negeri dengan nama BQ Aquaris E4.5 di jual dengan harga  €169

dan ini Spesifikasi ubuntu Phone  BQ Aquaris E4.5

Display: 4.5" qHD 540x960 - 240 ppi (HDPI)
CPU: Quad Core Cortex A7 up to 1.3 GHz MediaTek
GPU: Mali 400 up to 500 MHz
Storage: 8 GB
Memory available for end use: 5,5 GB*
Battery: LiPo 2150 mAh
dual micro-SIM
MicroSD slot, up to 32 GB
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth® 4.0
2G GSM (850/900/1800/1900)
3G HSPA+ (900/2100)
8Mpx - 13Mpx interpolated (Dual-flash and autofocus) Camera
5Mpx - 8Mpx interpolated Front Camera

dari OMG ubuntu mengatakan vendor asal china Meizu juga akan memproduksi ubuntu phone ini, ok kita tunggu saja semoga banyak vendor yang akan bekerja sama dengan Ubuntu untuk membuat ubuntu Phone dan semoga smartphone ini masuk ke indonesia

Via Omg ubuntu

Monday, 2 February 2015

LibreOffice 4.4 telah di Rilis


Langsung aja yah 

Other changes include:
  • Writer: Sidebar enabled by default
  • Writer: Cut, Copy and Paste actions at the top of right-click menu
  • Writer: ‘Paste Special’ now a sub-menu in right-click menu
  • Writer: Infobar to indicate ‘read-only’ mode
  • Firefox Themes now apply to bottom bar
  • OpenGL framework improvements
  • Support for connecting to OneDrive directly from LibreOffice
  • ‘Carlito’ and ‘Caladea’ fonts (Windows)
  • New default templates
  • Visual editing of Impress master pages
  • ‘Track Changes’ improvements
  • Improved import filters for a wider range of file formats from other software
  • Expanded support for media capabilities on each platform

Download LibreOffice 4.4

LibreOffice 4.4 is available to download on Windows, Mac and Linux from website.
Ubuntu 15.04 will ship with this major release installed by default.


Friday, 30 January 2015

Linux BackBox released version 4.1

BackBox Linux has released the latest version is version 4.1, with a few improvements and some features            

This release includes features such as Linux Kernel 3.13, EFI mode, Anonymous mode, LVM + Disk encryption installer, privacy additions and armhf Debian packages.
The ISO images (32bit & 64bit) can be downloaded from the following location:

What's new
  • Preinstalled Linux Kernel 3.13
  • New Ubuntu 14.04.1 base
  • Installer with LVM and Full Disk Encryption options
  • Handy Thunar custom actions
  • RAM wipe at shutdown/reboot
  • System improvements
  • Upstream components
  • Bug corrections
  • Performance boost
  • Improved Anonymous mode
  • Predisposition to ARM architecture (armhf Debian packages)
  • Predisposition to BackBox Cloud platform
  • New and updated hacking tools
System requirements
  • 32-bit or 64-bit processor
  • 512 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • 6 GB of disk space for installation
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • DVD-ROM drive or USB port (2 GB)
Upgrade instructions
To upgrade from a previous version (BackBox v.4.0) follow these instructions:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo apt-get install backbox-default-settings backbox-desktop --reinstall
sudo apt-get install backbox-tools --reinstall
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Ubuntu Touch Apps Running in Unity Desktop – Video

Unity 8 for Ubuntu is coming along and Mir is also making good progress. One of the byproducts of all these improvements is that some of the apps that are designed for the Ubuntu Touch are also working on the Ubuntu desktop, with very little help.

Unity 8 for Ubuntu is coming along and Mir is also making good progress. One of the byproducts of all these improvements is that some of the apps that are designed for the Ubuntu Touch are also working on the Ubuntu desktop, with very little help.
The idea of converging the Ubuntu platforms into a single one must have seemed pure madness just a couple of years ago, but that thought is now making more sense than ever. It's now possible to get an application from Ubuntu Touch and run it on the desktop. Sure, it's only a handful of applications and the implementation is far from perfect, but the difficult part has been solved.

A video put together by Popescu Sorin features all the apps that are currently working cross-platform, although this term will soon become irrelevant. You can see stuff like the Calculator, a file manager, and a music player. As you can see from the video, the interface scales very well and all the functions work as they should.

Some of you will comment that the apps look a little too much like the ones for the phone, but there is a simple reason for that. The fact that they can run on the desktop hasn't been taken into consideration just yet and they are not working in a Unity 8 environment, where they fit much better.

You can download the Ubuntu 15.04 Daily Build and test the apps for yourself.

Meet KDE Plasma 5.2, the Beautiful Future of the KDE Project

The KDE Community announced that Plasma, the desktop for the KDE project, is now at version 5.2 and the developers have made a number of important changes and improvements.

The KDE Community announced that Plasma, the desktop for the KDE project, is now at version 5.2 and the developers have made a number of important changes and improvements.
The KDE project now has a different face. The Plasma component is actually the desktop that greets the users and it's the most easily recognizable piece of software. Sure, some of the other KDE components might be more important and complex, but the vast majority will care about the improvements made to the desktop.

The one thing that you will definitely notice is the facelift, which will probably divide the community into users who like it and users who don't. The impact of the newly released Plasma desktop can't be quantified yet because there are very few distros that actually adopted it. KaOS is one of them and Arch Linux users have access to it from the repositories. Kubuntu, which is the most used operating system with this desktop, will get the next update in April.

KDE Plasma 5.2 is impressive

Even if it's possible that some of the users won't like the new direction, it's hard not to observe the hard work poured into the project and we're not talking only about the artwork and some of the more obvious changes. The fact is that you really need to run it and see for yourself, you can't really get the right impression from screenshots.

Some of the biggest improvements are the addition of new apps and functionalities, like SDDM, which is the new login manager, Muon to install and manage packages, a tool for multiple monitor support called KScreen, a new library, KDecoration, that makes it easier to build themes, and a new module lets you configure theming of applications from GNOME. And all of these are just scratching the surface.


The new KDE Plasma update will take a while to land in repositories, but Arch Linux and Kubuntu (the Plasma 5 edition) should be among the first to get the new desktop. You can also download the latest KDE Plasma 5.2.0 source packages from Softpedia or you can tryKubuntu 15.0 Alpha 2 as a Live CD, if you want to see what the fuss is all about.


Ubuntu Touch Spotted Running on Former Windows 8.1 Tablet Lenovo ThinkPad 8

Ubuntu Touch is a new operating system made by Canonical for mobile devices like phones and tablets. The only supported platforms are Nexus 4 and Nexus 7, but it looks like developers now have an easier time to make it work on other platforms, such as the Lenovo ThinkPad 8 with Intel processor.

Ubuntu Touch is a new operating system made by Canonical for mobile devices like phones and tablets. The only supported platforms are Nexus 4 and Nexus 7, but it looks like developers now have an easier time to make it work on other platforms, such as the Lenovo ThinkPad 8 with Intel processor.
The Lenovo ThinkPad 8 is powered by an Intel Atom Z3770 processor (Bay Trail) shipped with Window 8.1 by default, but it looks like someone has managed to port Ubuntu Touch on it, although there is no information about the porting process or if the developer is considering to further support this device.

There are not too many tablets out there with Windows as the main operating system. There are far more Android-powered ones and they are usually the main target for this kind of ports, but they don't provide the same challenge.

Ubuntu Touch has been ported many times

It's important to know that Ubuntu Touch has been made to work with various devices already, although many of them were phones. In fact, the community has already taken care of Nexus 5, for example, and there were some working ports for devices like Samsung Galaxy S4 or S5.

"check it out... from someone in our community, Simon Raffeiner. Unity8 on a Baytrail Intel. Nice to see Unity8 & Mir quite easily brought up on other hardware.," wrote Canonical's Kevin Gunn on Google+.

The number of devices that have been made to work with Ubuntu Touch has been decreasing in the past year, but it's probably because the developers are waiting for a more stable iteration of the operating system. 

For now, if you want to see Ubuntu Touch in action, you can check our report on the latest update for this operating system. Also, the first devices powered by this Linux distro that can be found in stores are expected to arrive very soon, in the coming months.


Exiv2 Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 14.10

Canonical has published details in a security notice about an Exiv2 vulnerability in Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) that has been found and corrected. This is not a major issue, but users should upgrade nonetheless.

Canonical has published details in a security notice about an Exiv2 vulnerability in Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) that has been found and corrected. This is not a major issue, but users should upgrade nonetheless.
A number of problems were corrected in the past week or so and this latest Exiv2 problem is just one of them. From the looks of it, Exiv2 (EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation tool) could have been made to crash under certain conditions.

"It was discovered that Exiv2 incorrectly handled certain tag values in video files. If a user or automated system were tricked into opening a specially-crafted video file, a remote attacker could cause Exiv2 to crash, resulting in a denial of service," reads the security notice.

For a more detailed description of the problems, you can see Canonical's securitynotification. The problem can be corrected if you upgrade your system(s) to the latest libexiv2-13 package. To apply the patch, you can simply run the Update Manager application, but you can also use the terminal if you don't like the provided GUI interface. Open a terminal and enter the following commands (you will need to be root):


Firefox 35 Lands in Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Canonical has updated the Firefox packages for Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating systems. If you have this application already installed, you only need to update your system.

Canonical has updated the Firefox packages for Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating systems. If you have this application already installed, you only need to update your system.
The Ubuntu maintainers for the Firefox package have been very quick and they've pushed the new Firefox 35 release very fast. All the supported Ubuntu OSes now have access to the new release and users will find them available in the repos.

"Bobby Holley discovered that some DOM objects with certain properties can bypass XrayWrappers in some circumstances. If a user were tricked into opening a specially crafted website, an attacker could potentially exploit this to bypass security restrictions" reads the security notice from Canonical.

This is just one of the many security issues that have been corrected and there are many more where that came from. If also want to see the new features landed in Firefox 35, you should check our initial report.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS users will get the latest Firefox version by updating their system via the Software Update or through a terminal. It's also possible to download the binary Firefox 35 package and run it without having to install it.


Canonical Reveals the Hardware Specs of the Ubuntu Aquarius E4.5 Phone

Canonical has revealed the specs for the Aquarius E4.5 phone that will launch with Ubuntu Touch, although they were not exactly a state secret.

Canonical has revealed the specs for the Aquarius E4.5 phone that will launch with Ubuntu Touch, although they were not exactly a state secret.
Information about the launch of the Ubuntu-powered Bq Aquarius E4.5 phone in Februarywas made public only a month ago, so it's not really a secret what phones will be used by the Spanish partners at Canonical. Meizu, the partners from China, have been much more secretive and it's likely that they will wait until the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona scheduled to start on March 2.

In the meantime, even if Meizu was the first company to confirm the release of an Ubuntu phone, it looks like Bq beat them to the punch, although they are aiming at different users. The specs detailed by Canonical show that Aquarius E4.5 is an affordable device with medium hardware specs. It doesn't seem like much, but it's addressed at people who don't want to spend too much on a high-end phone, but still want to own a smartphone.

Aquarius E4.5 specs are not a secret

The phone was revealed a few months back and the hardware specs were also made available. Nonetheless, Canonical felt that users need to hear the information from an official source and they have also released details about Aquarius E4.5.

"A strong innovative brand who operates in Europe with over 600 staff. With mobile, in 2013 bq shipped almost 1.5 million devices and in less than a year has become Spain’s second biggest seller of unlocked smartphones. The Aquarius E4.5 Ubuntu edition will be available in Europe and can be purchased soon via the bq site," wrote Canonical

Aquarius E4.5 is a rather small device, judging by today's standards, with a 4.5-inch screen and a 960×540 resolution. It also comes with a 13MP capable camera, a 2150mAh battery, and a Quad A7 processor at 1.3GHz.

The exact date for the launch of the Ubuntu edition for this phone hasn't been pinpointed yet and the announcement only mentions soon. The previously announced launch date was late February, and there is no reason to think that it won't happen then.


Saturday, 24 January 2015

Awesome Stuff: Ubuntu Phone Aggregator Scopes

Scopes are the cornerstone of the Ubuntu Phone experience. Its secret weapon in fighting against the app gap that afflicts every new platform, regardless of brand.
As I covered in my earlier article, Scopes offer a way for content to be delivered to the Ubuntu Phone without the slog of developing an app. Content, from cat videos to Ubuntu news site, is able to break free from the confines of the traditional app model and arrive there, on screen, ready to be interacted, expanded, and played with.
The flexibility of the framework and the simplicity in which developers can deliver content to the screen is what makes Scopes such a powerful swerve in a world too busy asking about apps to innovate.

Aggregator Scopes

aggregator scopes

The first Ubuntu Phone will ship with a couple of default scopes not yet available in the “developer preview” builds one can download and shove on a Nexus phone. These default scopes are packed with content from a diverse range of sources, but all under an overarching theme.
Let’s take a quick look at some of these in turn.

The Today scope does what it says on the digital tin: it shows important and timely information on one screen, things like weather, your favourite contacts and any upcoming calendar appointments.

Branded, uni-Scopes

The Nearby scope surfaces content based on location, with information from the likes of Yelp, TimeOut and others helping you find somewhere to eat or plan something to do.
Other default scopes are more familiar in what they offer (and have been available in various guises in developer previews).
The News scope combines news feeds from ‘chosen providers’ including the BBC, EuroNews and technology site Engadget. Categories let you drill down to find more specific items and personalise the scope so that it only shows you the stuff you’re interested in (e.g., you can add our feed ;)).
The Music scope lets you browse music on your phone, the web, and online stores like 7Digital from one hub. Initial streaming content providers include SoundCloud and Grooveshark.
The Photo scope combines images from Facebook, Instagram and Flickr so you can keep up with your social network buddies.
Lastly, but by no means least, the Video scope lets you sift through the latest cat videos from YouTube, mind-blowing talks from TED and hipster uploads to Vimeo. Depending on content providers yet to be announced, it wouldn’t surprise me to see movie purchases made available here, too.
All sources within an Aggregator Scope expand to reveal additional content, interactive categories, preview widgets, file snippets, etc. The result is an app-like experience without the need for an app.
Sources within aggregator scopes can also be “starred” to be made a default screen of their own, giving you all the categories, widgets, departments and search boxes so you can see, find and filter down to the information, snippets and previews you want to see.
