Monday, 9 February 2015

Huawei wants to shape the digital ecosystem

Huawei ingin bentuk ekosistem digital

Huawei has just inaugurated the Indonesia Huawei Telco IT BIG. 2.0 Summit & inTouch Cooperation Summit in 2015.

Chee Siong, Chief Marketing Officer for the South Pacific Region, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. said that the program aims to help stakeholders benefit to creating a digital economy.

In this event, Huawei also launched the Digital incloud based in hosting centers in the South Pacific.

Digital incloud claimed to be able to serve all countries in the region with digital services and applications to the maximum as well as improving quality of life. Digital incloud a transaction exchange platform and digital products.

"We want to establish business partnerships and develop a sustainable communication to form the digital ecosystem and telecom operators," said Chee Siong in Jakarta



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