Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Qualcomm Reveals Smartphone 2015 will use Snapdragon 810

Qualcomm has just held a press release, which reveal the level of adoption of Snapdragon 810 devices in the 2015's. This chip manufacturing divulge any smartphones that will be powered by their latest products. Both the first manufacturer to use a Snapdragon 810 is LG and Xiaomi through LG G Flex 2, and Xiaomi Mi Note.

However, any device that will also take advantage of this chip? Reported that manufacturing is Motorola Mobility, Sony, Oppo, and Microsoft. Motorola and Microsoft revealed that it had long been working together, and will utilize the Snapdragon 810 to support the upcoming device performance. Oppo announced that the device will be powered by this chipset will target the upscale market with premium products. Interestingly, Sony almost confirm the use of upcoming Snapdragon 810 for the Xperia flagship Z4.

Via Teknoup


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