Every operating system, Windows, Mac, Linux, create temporary files while running. Software installations and uninstallations also create temp files. These files consume a small part of hard disk space. In addition to this, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox like web browsers store histories, web caches, cookies etc.. Accumulation of these files also reduces the useful space.
On Windows we have many software to clean these temp files. CCleaner, Tweak Now, Tune-up utilities are of the popular clean up tools in Windows. But what about Linux users, what do they have to delete these temp files?
BleachBit is a clean up application available for all major platforms i.e. Windows, Mac and Linux. Ubuntu provides BleachBit in Software Center:
Once installed, open the application. Fill up the option and go for a clean up. Generally, it takes 5-10 mins to complete the process:
Enjoy a cleaner Ubuntu.
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